I'm going to give it to you straight. The past few months have been hard for me. A lot of you know that I struggle with anxiety and depression as I talked about it in a popular post: The Real Reason I Got a Kitten. Depression and anxiety comes and goes in waves for me. I'll have good days and bad days, but for a while now, it's gotten worse. I've been having anxiety attacks consistently--almost daily, and I've decided I need a change.

For most of these I am preaching at myself, but I thought these might be helpful for others as well. It's time to make some changes and give ourselves the life we deserve. We are not meant to work, pay bills, and die. We are meant for so much more, and it's time we start living. Here are just a few ways that I am finding to minimize my life and help me cope with my anxiety and depression.

ONE // Cut the Stress

If a relationship or friendship is causing you stress, it's time to cut ties. If your job is causing you to stress beyond normal function. Aka. You're losing sleep, you hate the atmosphere, you get anxiety just being around your's time to leave and find another job. Remember, it is your life and you can control these things around you. It may be scary as ever to leave the comfort of certain things behind, but it's also a step of faith. God will provide. He will heal. You can let go. He's got you.

Related Reading: Why I Quit My Job Without Having Another

TWO // Declutter your Closet

Get rid of anything and everything you have not touched in the past twelve months. If it's a summer outfit you say you'll fit into one day, just save yourself, and get rid of the outfit. Purge it all! I've been listing items on Poshmark recently and loving it! I've sold a few handbags and some clothes to make a little extra moolah! If you're interested in anything I have left, you can check out my Posh closet! Posh Closet: @a_classy_fash

Pin me for later!

THREE // Purge your Home

Do you have that crazy family member that insists you keep every family heirloom--the good and the, well, to be quite honest, hideous? Or maybe you've moved a million times in the past few years like me, and you still have all of the same crap from your college apartments. All of that for me is shoved in back corner cabinets and the back of my closets. Well, for me, and for you, it's time for it all to go! If it's shoved in the back of your storage unit because you might need it one day it's time. Just let it go.

FOUR // Balance your Checkbook

You need to set some financial boundaries for yourself. Set a budget for each month and actually stick to it. A lot of people my age (and older!) are HORRIBLE with their money, and I just don't get it. One, because it's your hard earned cash--be smart with it. And second, we're poor! Don't act like you have all this money laying around at twenty five. If so, please teach me your ways. So, instead of racking up your credit card debt month over month, pay those puppies down and keep them down. Why get yourself in over your head in debt, when in all reality, was it really worth getting yourself hundreds of dollars in debt because you needed those shoes? Obviously you don't. And hey, if you're one of those lucky ones in your twenties not living paycheck to paycheck, SAVE all that you can. Invest in your future, trust me, your future self will thank you.

FIVE // Cut your Social Media Time

I know. I know. I sound like a crazy person.  A blogger telling you and to cut out social media time. It's not that you can't be on the internet, what I mean is, choose wisely when you do. If you're out with friends, try and go the whole dinner without touching your phone. Live in the moment, not on your phone. If you're hanging out with your significant other, don't touch your phone for a few hours. Give them your undivided attention. Whenever I'm home visiting my family, I hardly ever touch my phone until I'm in bed by myself. All in all, it's okay in moderation. Just like everything else in life.

What are some things that you are going to do to simplify your life?



  1. I totally need to declutter my closet... So much easier said than done... it needs to happen though!!

    1. I feel like you have to be in the mood to declutter your closet. It is SO much work, but so worth it!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I decluttered my closet and it just felt SO GOOD! It was crazy how much that helped me feel better.

    - Anali Martinez (

    1. Right?! It feels amazing to just get rid of things you don't need anymore!

  3. Decluttering my closet always reduces stress! And mess... I find that when my space is overly messy it's typically because I have too many clothes, I'm not wearing them enough and they're just taking up space that I don't really have to spare.

    1. Exactly! There are some clothes that I haven't worn in YEARS and I'm like why in the world do I still have these?! Haha! Yay for decluttering!

  4. These are all such great tips! I definitely love to give myself some time away from social media. It can do wonders!

    1. Yes, for sure! You always need some "me" time and time with others! : )

  5. This is so helpful! I recently decluttered my home and it felt so good! Haha.

    1. Isn't it the best feeling ever?! I'm still selling things and it feels amazing to finally have space!

  6. It's definitely a good idea to not have stuff in your closet that you don't even enjoy wearing in the first place! Otherwise you'll inevitable find yourself wearing the detested clothes for no other reason than that they are there!

    1. Yes! SO true! I have FINALLY pulled everything out that HAS to go, and it's awaiting it's final doom to be donated haha!

  7. I just decluttered the closet this past always makes me feel so good to get rid of that unworn stuff

    1. Doesn't it?! It's the best feeling ever to get rid of unwanted/worn things, for sure!

  8. Yes to all of these. I live for simplicity. Moving into a new house a little over a month ago has really made me evaluate the "things" I have and learn to live with a lot less. I'm still working on cutting social media time though but I can tell you that I am happier when things are simple.

    1. Yes, same! I feel like I'm going to be super similar to you when I move. A lot is going to get purged during the packing process, for sure! I definitely need to work on social time. It's much easier to cut out during the weekends now though!

  9. im going into my second week of unemployment because I was so miserable at my last job that I just had to get myself out of it.

    1. I hope all is well now! Once I quit my job--life had a total change--for the BETTER! Sometimes it takes that crazy bold step to get out, and then you're on your way to finding where you're really supposed to be :)

  10. Letting go of things that are stressing you out is so so good. For me that means turning down invitations so that my schedule doesn't feel overwhelming for me.

    1. Oh that's such a good thing to cut out! I always get so overwhelmed with trying to make it to every social gathering I am invited to.

  11. What an awesome post! I know that I could definitely take some of these tips to heart - especially decluttering my house and limiting social media!

    1. Thank you so much, Alex! Definitely try it--you will feel so much better!

  12. Cutting social media time is huge! I have tried to be more intentional about my time and not pulling my phone out all the time. It has really helped keep my mind clear and not obsess over my numbers. Really great post!

    1. YES! That's so great! I always have my phone near me--especially when I'm working. (blogger life) BUT, I have been so good about disconnecting over the weekends and when my work day is over.

  13. I always like decluttering my closet, so I can make room for new and better stuff hahah!

  14. The family heirloom thing-- TOTALLY reaonate with that and it stresses me out to hold onto a bunch of stuff that my family finds sentimental but I just don't!

    1. YES--for sure. I just don't see a point in keeping those things. I always give them back to the people who find them sentimental because often times, THEY want to get rid of their clutter by passing it on to me!


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    1. Aw, thank you so much! That means a lot! :)


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