There are a few times that I get super reflective during the year. First is during the Summertime, because that means we are half-way through the year, and I'm thinking about all that I have accomplished and all I have yet to complete. Second, I always get reflective on my birthday. It means that another year has come and gone. I'm another year older and I am entering into my next year of life full of new opportunities. The third time I'm extremely reflective is right around this time of year--the end. I think about all that has happened, all that could have happened, and where & who I want to be in the ever so quickly approaching new year.

With a new year, many take it upon themselves to write resolutions, but for me, I like to reflect on the past 365 days so that I can learn how to grow and be better in the new year. Today, I'm chatting about two things. The first will be questions you can ask yourself about this past year that will help you grow and thrive in the new year. Second, I'll be sharing my last goals post of the year, both personal & blogging. Not only does sharing my monthly goals with you keep me accountable and determined to achieve them, I hope it also puts a little inspiration out there for you, too.

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What are your highlights from the past year? 

What events and moments happened this past year that bring a smile to your face? Did you get married? Graduate college? Buy your first home? Think of all of the things that you succeeded in that has gotten you to where you are today.

What are you most proud of?

Did you accomplish something that required a huge step of faith and bravery?! I know I did! Think of that one moment or goal from this past year that you crushed that has brought you endless opportunities or happiness.

What helped you grow?

We all go through growing pains. Whether it be sadness or a little tough love, we can always learn from it. Think about the situation(s) that maybe hurt in the moment, but opened your eyes to a new direction. Sometimes the path we choose for ourselves isn't the path we should take. We need to endure a little grinding before we shine like a diamond.

What are things you didn't accomplish that you wish you did?

Let me just start off by saying it's okay that you didn't finish everything on your bucket list or goals list for this year. If you did, you must be a super human, because I know that I didn't even accomplish half of my goals that I wanted to. But, I'm reminding myself of what I still want to accomplish and making an action plan to achieve them in the new year.

What are you going to focus on next year?

Think about what you want to focus on and then write it down so that you can hold yourself accountable throughout the year. Do you want to focus on advancing in your career? Perhaps you want to make your side hustle your career or maybe you just want to focus on improving your mental health. Whatever it may be, do it with your whole heart and nothing less.

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November Goals Revisited

Personal Goals

One // Start working out again

Does Black Friday shopping count as cardio? 'Cause if not, then I totally failed at this one.

Two // Continue to hunt for a PT job (so we can buy a house)

I'm not sure if I'll ever find a part-time job that will "count" to a mortgage lender. I've been on the hunt for quite some time and the only opportunities I've been getting are still along the lines of freelancing. I think Chris and I are kissing the dream of buying in the Spring goodbye...

Blogging Goals

One // Start to update Pinterest and create new pins for older blog posts

I've started this! Also, have you seen the new sections feature?! I'm obsessed.

Two // Be braver and send out more pitches directly to brands

Can I just pat myself on the back for this one, because I did and guess what?! I've got a few sponsored posts coming to the blog in the next few months that are all because I sent out some pitches!! Yay!

December Goals

Personal Goals

One // Cherish the Christmas Season

I am obsessed with Christmas and it's a time I get to spend with family and the best of friends. I am so excited for the week of Christmas, because Chris has off work until the New Year and we can actually spend more than a weekend together. It will be like a mini vacay!

Two // Treat myself to something

I'll be honest, I've been doing a lot of treat yo'self this month, but it's the Holidays. ;) I've also been feeling super down lately and something as silly as a new nail polish and $2 face mask boost my mood.

Three // Not wait until the last minute to finish my Christmas shopping

Where are all my last minute shoppers at?! 🙋  I tell myself every year that I'm going to start shopping way earlier, but I never do. I did knock a few people off my list on Black Friday, but I still have a long way to go.

Blogging Goals

One // Start planning content for the new year

I can't believe that I already have my content calendar printed for 2018. I'm super old school and have one printed in my binder, and I'm going to start planning out what and when I'll be posting some amazing new content I have up my sleeves.

Two // Host a mini giveaway on my blog

There is so much to celebrate that I figured it was time for a giveaway! I have finally hit over 2k on Instagram and it's almost Christmas! Yay for giveaways! Keep your eyes peeled on the blog and on social media. I'll definitely let you know when it goes live!

Three // Prepare to redo my blog layout

It's not that I don't love the look of my blog, the person I bought my template from has been ignoring my site update out with the old and in with the new to bring in 2018! I've been eyeing up a few themes that I am obsessed with, so once I have a night to spare with Chris (my blog coding emergency hunk of a hubby) then I will be updating ACF!

Time to make your own goals and do a little reflecting. Go kick some booty these last few weeks. 2018 is coming for you, and it's going to be the best year yet!

Stay Classy.

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