Y'all...I feel like I haven't posted on the blog, and that's because it's been days! I'm still getting myself used to having a completely different schedule, and my body has been having a hard time adjusting. For the first few weeks, I would get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and fall at seven and then sleep through the night.

My body was shook when it realized it had to be up at six in the morning some days...and gosh some days I have to be at work at six. It's amazing to finally have a normal schedule. There are some days where I have to work late and I don't get home until nine or so at night, but the majority of the time, I'm home right before Chris gets home, and we can actually eat dinner together.

I love working for a company that not only allows me to live my life outside of work, but allows me to dress fashionable and casually. I genuinely love what I do, so it makes it that much easier to get up in the mornings and head to work. I actually just wore this outfit on Sunday and knew I had to take photos in it to share with you. It's a cross between professional & casual...let's call it's pro-casual. haha!

I bought my white oxford back when I was interviewing and never actually wore it to an interview, so I figured I should probably wear it instead of letting it sit in my closet. I was going to wear black pants with this outfit, but I wanted to look more casual, so I paired it with LOFT denim...and gosh they are my favorite denim in the entire world. I am 5'2" and I shop in the petite section for denim, and I have found so many great pairs of denim that finally fit me the way they should.

My cardigan I've had for years, so I won't be able to link the exact one, but I'll link another that looks super similar. My heels are Michael Kors from back when I worked there a million years ago, so I won't be able to link those either, but use them as inspiration.

What do you normally wear to work? Are you allowed to wear casual clothes or do you have to wear business clothes everyday? Do you have casual Friday's?!

Let me know in the comments, so I can style outfits that will benefit you!

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