This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #UnleashYourClean #CollectiveBias

Having a busy lifestyle is something that I have grown to love and accept. I thrive when I am busy and striving to hit a goal. The busier I am, the more motivated I am to accomplish the out-of-this-world dreams. With all busyness, it can sometimes be overwhelming and hard to manage.

Today, I want to chat about fives tips to manage a busy lifestyle. They're all things I do to help manage working 70+ hour weeks and still have free time and my sanity.

One // Stay organized and utilize a planner

A planner has been my saving grace when it comes to maintaining my full-time retail management job, a blog and all that comes with keeping it updated & relevant, and building a new construction home. Balancing a 40+ hour full-time job workweek plus countless hours spent taking photos and writing, the only way that it's possible is through strategic planning and by staying extremely organized.

In my planner, I write down everything. Start with adding in your work schedule, then if you're a blogger like I am, add in all of your deadlines, your post ideas, and when you plan for them to be live. If you have kiddos, put in their schedules, too! The more detailed you are with your planner & schedule, you'll thank yourself later--especially when you're rushing from one part of your life to the next.

Two // Keep a pack of LISTERINE®️ READY! Tabs®️ in your handbag

If you're a coffee drinker like I am or you're often pressed for time after meals, LISTERINE®️ READY! Tabs®️ are a definite must-have for you! The makers of LISTERINE®️ believe that a healthier mouth can unleash the best in you each and every day. LISTERINE®️ wants to help you transform the health of your mouth every day so you can make the most of all you do, and feel fully ready to take on life--like anything you set your mind to is possible.

For a limited time, you can try READY! Tabs®️ for free with the purchase of special LISTERINE®️ mouthwash at Walmart.

LISTERINE®️ READY! Tabs®️ are tablets that deliver more than meets the eye. They don't contain any mouthwash or liquid--rather the act of chewing transforms the tables into a liquid, which can be easily swished around the mouth, and then safely swallowed.

LISTERINE®️ READY! Tabs®️ are the easiest way to UNLEASH YOUR CLEAN! There are three simple steps that you must know:

1. CHEW for at least 10 seconds to activate the tablet and transform it into a liquid.

2. SWISH for 30 seconds for a whole mouth clean feeling.

3. SWALLOW the liquid and experience fresh breath and a whole mouth clean feeling wherever you are and end with an "aaaahhh", because you'll feel refreshed and ready to head onto the next place your day is taking you.

Three // Drink tons of water

I know, I know...this is super basic, and almost common sense, right?! Well, it's surprising, but most of us aren't drinking nearly enough water every day. If you get headaches a lot, feel drained and sleepy, or you just look tired, chances are you're not drinking enough water. As simple as it is, water has the power to completely transform your mind & body. Water helps your skin to look amazing--(it literally helps reduce the appearance of under-eye dark circles!) and it helps to energize your muscles.

If you find it easy to drink three cups of coffee and a glass or two of wine, but hard to drink water, grab a cute reusable cup, and fill it up several times a day. Trust me, the more water you drink, the better you'll feel, and you'll have the energy to take on your busy life.

Four // Schedule self-care time

Remember the whole point of staying organized and planning we talked about before? Here's where we put it to the test, because I'm challenging you to schedule self-care time during each and every week. Whether it's time to take a few minutes for yourself every morning, or scheduling a time to meet up with a bestie to get your nails done or simply chat over coffee, schedule it in, because it's oh so important to keep yourself from feeling burnt out--especially during your busiest of seasons.

Self-care is so much more than going to the spa and doing a sheet mask and calling it a day. It's scheduling a time each and every week to invest in yourself. For me, it's these moments that help me feel recharged and ready to take on my week. Sometimes, it's as simple as sleeping in a little extra and staying in bed to get caught up on your favorite TV show. No matter what it is that gives you life, get out there and do it--you deserve it.

Five // Cook healthy meals at home

When you're busy and exhausted after a long day, the last thing you probably want to do is cook a meal at home. It's so easy to stop on the way home and grab something to go, but you're not really doing yourself any favors. Sure, it might be quick & easy, but you're hurting yourself in the long run.

Most of these places we all love to stop don't provide the nutrition we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get the nutrients we need to keep ourselves going. When my husband and I started planning & cooking our meals at home, we noticed we were feeling better, maintaining a healthy weight, and our wallets were fuller.

If you're pressed for time, try cooking a larger portion so that you can divvy up the leftovers into to-go containers and bring them to work with you! Not only do you know what you're putting into your body each and every meal, but you also saved yourself a little time, because there was no need to make an extra stop--your meal was all ready to go!

I hope these tips help you to to manage your busy lifestyle with a little more ease.
Don't forget to head to Walmart and grab READY! Tabs®️ for your on-the-go adventures.

Follow @aclassyfashionista