If you're on a strict budget this year like I am, a staycation is what you need in your life! My company is extremely gracious with PTO and choice time, so I have a whopping 3 weeks vacation plus a week of choice time to use throughout the year. My husband's company has DTO, so between the two of us, we've been able to have an amazing work-life balance.

I am so thankful for this time off and I believe it's one of the reasons my company keeps its employees happy...also it's just one of the best companies out there, too. I'm not ready to reveal the company I work for just yet, simply because I work in retail and I want to keep myself as safe as possible. But enough about work, this is all about a staycation!!

Today, I'll be sharing ten things to do during a staycation. When a week-long vacation or even an overnight vacay isn't in the budget, don't worry, I got you. You can still have an amazing time at home--by yourself or with others! 

One // Sleep in at least once

Yes, girl. I'm talkin' no alarms, no morning responsibilities, no nothing before at least nine. I'll admit during my staycation, I slept in the first couple of days and it felt amazing. I just stayed in bed one day until two snuggling with my kitty, watching my favorite shows, scrolling through Pinterest, and catching up on my favorite peep's Instagram stories.

Sleeping in until your body wakes you up versus an alarm clock feels so good and you wake up feeling so refreshed. So definitely put that into your schedule!

Two // Plan a date night

Budget out one date night or a night out to your favorite budget-friendly restaurant. Chris and I love to grab dinner together at once a week to get out of the house and have a date. $20-$25 a week is just something we put into our monthly budget because it's important for us to spend time with each other. Yes, we could stay home and cook, but it's nice to just get out and go somewhere. Plus, it gives you an excuse to do your hair & makeup and look extra pretty.

Three // Make a to-do list

Yes, I know it's a staycation, but sometimes it's nice to finally have the time to get things done around the house. For the first couple of days, after I slept in, I would tackle a few things on my to-do list. Since Chris and I are prepping to move in the next month or so, I wanted to start organizing things that were time-consuming and tedious.

I spent time organizing the cabinets under the bathroom sink, our bathroom linen closets, dresser drawers, and my vanity. By doing these things, it'll make moving so much easier! I also washed all of our rugs, shower curtain, and gave the bathroom a deep clean. That way, when we move, those things are already prepped and ready!

Your to-do list might look a little different, but whether it's clean out your kitchen cabinets, closet, or paint that room you've always wanted to paint, add it to your to-do list, and get it done!

Four // Take a day trip

Maybe you can't afford to stay somewhere overnight, but you can totally afford to head to the nearest beach or park and have an amazing day! The beach is only 2 hours away for us and we have the Valley Forge National Park within 20 minutes of us, so we have tons of options for day trips!

For me, I went to my parent's house and then to my sister's house for her bachelorette party!! I also had dinner with my bestie, and it was so great to spend time with her--especially since we live 2.5 hours from each other. If your parents or family live within driving distance, take a day trip.

Five // Unplug for an afternoon--day even!

Turn your phone on do not disturb and live your life. It is so freeing to leave your phone behind and simply enjoy the day! No Facebook or Instagram notifications, no emails, no text messages--just life. It feels amazing to drop off the face of the earth--even if it's for the afternoon.

Six // Make a dinner you've never had before

Since you can't go out to dinner every night, why not make dinner at home creative?! I ended up finding a new recipe on Pinterest and made it all by myself! Yes, I cooked and it tasted so yummy!! I ended up making a pesto pasta dish with cooked yellow squash and red onions and I will definitely be adding it to my usual meal plan.

It's fun to discover new foods and combinations--you might just surprise yourself! I surprised myself so much I even sent a picture to my Mama. ;)

Seven // Be a tourist in your own town

As silly as it sounds, be a tourist in your own town. I ended up heading downtown with one of my friends, we grabbed breakfast, and then we just walked from one end to the other. We ended up walking to the Saturday morning farmer's market and explored new boutiques...which was extremely dangerous because everything was just so cute!!

Be sure to check out your town's local events. Sometimes they'll have a free movie night or free activities. For us, we have First Friday's, and the streets are full of vendors, local artists, and food trucks!

Eight // Binge watch your favorite show

Chris and I binge-watched so many shows over my staycation, and he wasn't even off work. haha! Every night before we go to bed, we watch an episode or two of one of our favorite shows. Lilly always falls asleep and snuggles, and honestly, it's my favorite part of the day. Usually we watch The Office or Parks & Rec, but Netflix happened to release season four of Queer Eye during my staycation, so obviously, we had to watch that as fast as we could.

I was so sad when we went to turn on another episode and we finished the entire season...in two days. Oops. haha! If you've never watched Queer Eye before, you need to. Imagine balling your eyes out at the most amazing life, style, and home transformations out there, because five gay guys are livin' their best lives making over people that deserve it the most!

Nine // Enjoy your hobby

Now is the best time to enjoy your hobby to the fullest! Whether you're a blogger like me or you love to sew, renovate furniture, do a DIY project--whatever it may be, dedicate a day or two to your hobby.

Every afternoon, I would spend an hour or two blogging, dreaming up ideas, and simply enjoying my side-hustle. I always have to create new content--even while working a full-time job, and sometimes that's exhausting, and it makes blogging a little less "fun". But, when you can dedicate time to your passion, it starts to feel a little less like a chore and more like your hobby and your "why" outside of your day job.

I always say this, you work your full-time job so that you can do what you love at home. Make sure your hobby or side-hustle is a good one and you'll live the best life you could have ever imagined.

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Ten // Do what makes you happy

A staycation is all about taking a break from work life and creating time for the things you love. Make sure that what you're doing during your staycation makes you happy. Wake up each morning knowing you have a mini-break from reality and go to bed each night knowing that you lived your day to the fullest.

A staycation is the most rejuvenating thing ever. Live your life to the fullest, but always remember to take a break when you need it. Nobody can go, go, go all the time, and that's what mini staycations are for. They help you realign your life, your purpose, your passions, and make you feel new again--ready to tackle what lies ahead. Hey who knows, maybe you'll go back to work ready for a promotion. ;)

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