An at-home manicure for under five dollars?! Yes, please & thank you. Because let’s be real—I don’t have much free time to head to a salon (plus, salon pricing — no thank you), and having pretty nails brings me so much joy in the chaos of motherhood.

I have been obsessed with Kiss French Nails in Real Short. I’ve tried other do-it-at-home nails and even at-home gel polish (like last week when I spent 45 min on a gel “mani” that lasted not even 48 hours 🥲), and I keep coming back to these, always!

They're so easy to apply and the kit comes with everything you need from nails, glue, nail file, and wooden cuticle pusher. I even applied them on our way to brunch in the car the other day for our anniversary. They last so long and are super convenient for us mamas looking for a little joy in the chaos of motherhood.

Have you tried them before?!

Shop my Post!

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