Well, I've been slacking a little bit on my goals posts since the last one I posted was in November, BUT, I have a good excuse. I have been enjoying life (finally!) and actually getting things done! I've been planning my wedding, spending more quality time with family and friends, and crossing off things from my 2017 Bucket List: My Bucket List for 2017. So, here it goes for my goals for the remainder of March and for April.
Personal Goals
ONE // Finish planning my wedding
There isn't a whole lot left for me to do. I mean, I planned everything in three days, and now it's just the little details that need ironing out--literally. I have to iron all of the table cloths, make a few diy signs, and order the food & flowers. But, all of those things will be done a in a couple weeks still. Last night Chris and I met with the Pastor that is marrying us and we went through how our ceremony will flow. It's all becoming so real!
TWO// Relax & enjoy the next five weeks before the wedding
If you know me super well, you know that I have a hard time relaxing at all. I am always the go-go-go type, but I am working super hard on learning to relax and just breathe. The good thing is since I am no longer working full-time, I have been taking the mornings for me time and relaxing, and then I take the rest of the day and late into the evening/night to get things done. I am quite proud of myself for taking time for myself. It's definitely helped me a lot and it's making the wedding planning process that much less stressful.
THREE // Purge my apartment
Before Chris moves all of his belongings into my apartment in at the end of April, I want to have actual space for him. Right now I kind of have every single space taken up. He's started to slowly move some things in like his warmer clothes, and I'm quickly realizing that we are not going to have a lot of room. I have a two bedroom apartment, and I myself have all of the closets completely taken except for a small closet in the master bedroom. I think it's time to purge some more clothes and sell them on Poshmark. In case you are interested in any of the clothes/handbags/etc. that I have for sale, be sure to check out my posh closet here: Shop my Posh Closet!
Blogging Goals
ONE // Score another sponsored post
I haven't pitched to a brand before, and I think it's time that I start. Before, I was just letting brands come to me for a sponsored post, which, unfortunately haven't been as many as I would like, but hey, we all have to start somewhere. My ultimate goal in life (at this moment in time), is to be a full-time blogger. I can use my talents and my business degree to run a blogging business and utilize my creativity. Personally, I can't think of anything better. I would get to be my own boss (hollah!), I would work from home--or anywhere I wanted to, and I would be pursuing my dream. I know that it isn't going to happen overnight, but I am willing and determined to put in the work.
TWO // Post a blog post twice a week
Over the past few months, I have been doing my best to get more post up, and guess what?! My hard work has paid off. In 2017 alone, my blog traffic has gone up 400%! Yep, you read that right! I couldn't believe it. My post with the most traffic was: Why I Quit My Job Without Having Another.
Since I am finally hitting some amazing traffic numbers, I need to give you all as my readers more beneficial posts. P.S. Leave a comment if you have a topic or question for me that you would love discussed or answered in a future post!
THREE // Hit 1500 genuine followers on Instagram
At this rate, in order to hit my goal of 10,000 followers by the end of the year, I need to be gaining 1,000 a month. I have been stagnant due to other bloggers participating in follow/unfollow. Which, incase you want to know my opinion of that crazy game, my bestie wrote the best post: Stop Follow Unfollow. I want to grow my feed authentically. Trust me, I've given the whole Follow/Unfollow a try a few times in the past couple of years, and all it does is gain inauthentic followers who will eventually unfollow anyways. I want to be able to grow my feed because people are interested in my content. I have a really good engagement to followers ratio, and the only way I will keep that up, is if I gain a genuine following.
Well, there ya have it! I'm really hoping that I am able to hit all of these goals. I sure will be hustling personal goal wise and blogging wise, but it will surely keep me busy!
What are some of your goals for the next month?
Stay Classy.
Well, there ya have it! I'm really hoping that I am able to hit all of these goals. I sure will be hustling personal goal wise and blogging wise, but it will surely keep me busy!
What are some of your goals for the next month?
Stay Classy.
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