This shop has been compensated by CollectiveBias, Inc. on behalf of its advertiser, ZonePerfect. #MyLittleWins #CollectiveBias

Whether you work a 9-5 or you work from home, crushing your goals is always a win. I love accomplishing my goals, because it allows me to spend more time with friends and family or have a little extra downtime to myself. Today, I'll be sharing 5 tips to help you crush your goals, so that you can spend less time working and more time with friends & family--especially since it's the Summertime!

One // Write a to-do list 

I am super old school when it comes to lists. I have tried to do lists electronically, but there's just something about physically writing tasks down that helps me stay focused and get them done! You can either write your tasks out for each day or weekly. I prefer to do one huge list for the week--that way I don't feel discouraged if for some reason I can't get everything done in that particular day.

Two // Separate tasks by category & importance

I usually have three separate categories for my weekly to-do lists: Things to Do, Things to Remember, and Ideas. My Things to Do category has everything from taking a particular picture for a blog post to picking up a gift for a party later in the week. It also helps if you put things that you know you need to get accomplished ASAP at the top of your list. My Things to Remember category is usually packed full of client meetings, dates & times, events I can't forget, and even mini grocery shop reminders; especially if I have a coupon expiring soon! Lastly, my Ideas category is a list of all the blog post ideas I have for the next few weeks. If I don't write it down, chances are, I'm going to forget!

Three // Physically check off each completed task 

There is nothing more satisfying than physically checking things off a list. I always get so excited and even more motivated once I start to see things checked and crossed off. 

Four // Have a daily routine

Having a daily routine is such a key component to staying on track with where you want to be. I was finding that when I didn't have a daily routine, I would be simply unmotivated to do anything. Now, even with working at home, I have a schedule that I try to stick to.

Five // Reward yourself

It's the little things in life that keep us going. That's why I've teamed up with ZonePerfect® to help celebrate our wins, big and small. It doesn't matter if you've survived a long morning meeting or you scheduled out several blog posts; they both deserve a little celebration. My favorite thing to do after I've crushed a few goals is to munch on something yummy. ZonePerfect® bars are perfect to help you power through the day. Plus, they are packed full of protein and are a delicious healthy snack option.

I ended up picking up two different flavors at Walmart; ZonePerfect® Chocolate Peanut Butter and ZonePerfect® Dark Chocolate Almond. They are located in the nutrition bar aisle. But, before you go, make sure you sign up for Ibotta in order to get $1.00 cash back with the purchase of ZonePerfect® Nutrition bars at Walmart. You can also hover over the image above for quick and easy shopping!

Click here to see how others are celebrating their Little Wins™.

What are some things that you do to crush your goals each week? Leave your tips in the comments! P.S. Feel free to enter this the #MyLittleWinsSweepstakes starting super soon!

#MyLittleWinsSweepstakes (8/4 to 9/12)
Pin me for later!

 Stay Classy.


  1. I couldn't do without to-do-list. They work so well for productivity. Loved all your tips.

    ❥ tanvii.com

    1. Yes, for sure! Lists are the best. Glad you liked the tips. <3

  2. Last year I was pretty religious with my planner and ersable ink pens. This year I have the planner, but have barely written in it since March. Not a good plan, and I need to get back on track. With the eraable ink of course!

    1. Yes, definitely get back into it! You will be amazing at how much more you can accomplish. And of course, with erasable ink. I should try that--I haven't had an erasable ink pen in years!

  3. Having a daily to-do list is huge for me when working from home. I can easily balance blogging and house work that way. Plus, it's fun to check things off my list! Those ZonePerfect bars look delicious!

    1. To-do lists are the best. I'm so glad that you find as much enjoyment crossing things off your list as I do! And these ZonePerfect bars are AMAZING. My fav is the Dark Chocolate Almond so far!

  4. I literally keep a running to-do list at all times of anything and everything I could possibly need to do, it's so satisfying to take my highlighter and mark through the things I have accomplished-even if it's something like "laundry" that I have to put right back on the list the next day! It also helps me remember big tasks that I need to accomplish!

    xoxo, SS


    1. YES! Crossing things off a list is so satisfying. I can't wait to cross some more things off later today!

  5. I couldn't agree more - I'd die without lists!! Love your last tip of rewarding yourself. I'm 100% going to start implementing that!! :)

    - Kaitlin

    1. You totally should! I love a little mini snack break every once in awhile. Best motivator ever!

  6. I can't function without lists!! Great tips :)

    1. Thanks, Jenna! Lists are the best. I would never get anything done without them!

  7. I write my lists out by hand too! It's so nice when you're able to check something off the list, and it's good to reward yourself!

    1. I'm so glad I found someone else that still writes them by hand! It's just so much more satisfying to me than deleting it off the computer!!!

  8. I'm a huge list maker, and I like to go old school, too! There's just something about the act of writing something down.

    1. YAS! Another hand-written list maker! We are rare, but we know how to get it done!

  9. Oh my goodness, I am the same way! I have to write things down to remember them. People make fun of me because I still use a paper planner, but it helps me remember things so much easier.

    1. Paper planners are SO much better than anything--ever! We can be paper planner twinsies :)

  10. I decided that for August I would actually write out my goals and make a serious effort to achieve them. And I've already ticked off a couple things and we are only like 3 days in! So I think writing them out really works. And having them some place visible.

    1. YES! It seriously helps by writing them down, for sure!!

  11. My problem is that I do well for 2 or 3 days, and then i slip up real bad....

    1. Aw! You gotta stick with it! You'll be amazing how much you can get done if you write it all down and are determined to check things off your list! :)

  12. You structure your lists just like me! I used to cross stuff off until I realized it's hard to read. Those bars sound tasty too!

    1. Yay for structured lists and organization! The Zone bars are seriously so delish! I love the chocolate almond ones!

  13. Making lists are definite musts for me!! Except I usually forget to make them or I add stuff on them that I know 100% that I can accomplish, so it defeats the purpose haha

    1. haha you crack me up!! Hey, at least you are still accomplishing things, right?!

  14. Great tips! I am a huge fan of making lists. :)

  15. Even though I really enjoy making my own nutrient bars, I do like finding ones that I can buy pre-made that taste good and don't have that really fake flavor that some of them do! Thanks for the rec!

    1. You make your own!? Girl! So wish I could make my own---Mine wouldn't taste very good at all lol!! But, you will def love these! Let me know if you decide to try them! :)

  16. Yes! I adore my lists. My husband thinks it's so funny that I make like 3 versions of the same list... but it's just organized differently! Haha! Those bars look amazingggg

    1. Haha! Lists are the best--sometimes we have so many lists we have to have a list for our lists, right?! LOL! And the Zone bars are delish!

  17. To-do lists are my bread and butter. I cannot function without them because i can't get everything done.

    1. Yas! Exactly! Lists are literally the only way I'm determined enough or even remember to do things.


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