Our kitchen shelves are very special to me. When we first moved in, I
had the idea of having wooden shelves filled with special items and beautiful
pieces. Over the years, those items have changed, and some of our more
breakable sentimental items have moved into our living room built-ins, so I
wanted to share an updated version of our kitchen shelves as well as share
three tips for styling kitchen shelves!
If you haven't seen my
DIY Kitchen Makeover + Tile Wall
tutorial, be sure to check it out!
One // Pick a few sentimental and personal items
I chose to feature our family picture from our wedding and a glass bottle of
Coke from our wedding. The frame also helps to add height to the top shelf.
Two // Add a natural element (or two!)
I have
been loving natural woods and greenery lately. The shelves are light wood, so
I added a darker wood cutting board for color variation. I also have a small
vase and faux stems to add a touch of greenery.
Three // Keep it beautiful and functional
You can store beautiful bowls or ramekins, and a jar filled with everyday
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What are some items you keep on your kitchen shelves?!
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